Saturday, October 20, 2012

Part Eight


As has been on my trips in 2008 and 2010, Day 8 is what we would call a slow news day. No traveling like I have been doing the past week. It is a day to take it easy and catch up on some sleep which I did last night. It is also the day where I make a trip up to the state capitol here in Pierre to do something that I have done here since first coming here in 2001. A tradition, if you will.

So this afternoon, my friend Jenn and I went to the grounds of the state capitol. It is very beautiful this time of the year with the colors of fall and the cooler temps although today is got to about 74 degrees.  But what really stands out on the grounds are the memorials for those from South Dakota who were lost to war and in the line of duty for public service.

First, the 6 statues representing the veterans of World War II:

The memorial for the veterans of the Korean War:

And a memorial for the veterans of the Vietnam War:

Plus there are memorials for public service for policemen:

One for firefighters:

And one for emergency medical services.

On the memorial for police, one of the names is Jenn’s paternal grandfather, Virgil Deyo, who was a policeman for the City of Huron. His name resides on this monument.

Jenn never knew her grandfather due to the time of her birth but her grandfather is held in the highest regard.

At the beginning, I mentioned the word "tradition". And along those lines, since I needed a hat to wear while on my vacation, I chose the one from the National World War II Memorial in Washington, DC. On Memorial Day 2004, this monument opened to the general public and has been quite the crowd attraction. I took my Dad down there in October 2004 as appreciation for the replacement window work we had done on my house that summer. So as I did 2 years ago and 4 years ago, I chose my National WWII Memorial hat.

As we approach Veteran’s Day here in the U.S., please take a moment to remember our veterans in your thoughts and prayers. And if you happen to come upon some veterans out there selling their poppy flowers or if there is a veteran in your family, please say thank you to them for their service for our independence. It is the least that we can do and to bring a smile on any veteran’s face is a good thing. And here I mention the Air Force in honor of my Dad:

And those whom he served with in the 15th Air Force, 450th Bomb Group, 720th, 721st, 722nd and 723rd Squadrons. Thanks to them. And thank you, Dad.

And he would ask you to check out this website:

The official website of the 450th Bomb Group Memorial Association. And also this website:

The official website of the Wings of Freedom Tour. This organization has a few World War II airplanes that are still flying, including a B-17, a B-24, and a P-51 Mustang. You can see these planes as they make their tour around the U.S. Check the site for time and location in your area. And thanks from my Dad.

Changing gears, I have made mention of my friend Jenn. So who is she??

I have known Jenn for over 11 years. We met thru the posting boards of the then WB Network and were fans of the TV show “Dawson’s Creek”. Our first meeting was to have happened in August of 2001 when she was on a business trip to Philadelphia but circumstances beyond our control prevented that from happening. But 2 months later, we met at her Mom’s house here in Pierre. Jenn has 2 daughters: Miranda who is 20 and Rebecca who is almost 17. Miranda goes to school in Aberdeen, South Dakota and Rebecca is a junior at T.F. Riggs High School in Pierre.  And there are the 2 dogs: Nutmeg and Ginger, who are dachshunds. Jenn is the definitive image of a single mom; raising 2 kids and owning her own piece of the rock: a nice cozy two story home in the center of the city. She has worked in public service for most of her adult life.  She began as a committee secretary for the House of Representatives during Legislative Session at the state capitol. She then went to the Department of Labor as a receptionist, and then the Divisions of Securities as a broker registrar, which meant that she registered investment advisors and broker dealers. She now works for Hughes County as a deputy finance officer and voter registrar. And with it being less than 3 weeks to the presidential election, Jenn has the honors of keeping tabs on the absentee ballots. Not a job for the faint hearted. Despite all of the duties that are in her life, Jenn manages to keep a smile of optimism on her face and, plain and simple, doesn’t take crap from anybody. We keep in touch by phone every Sunday night and email thru the week. Let’s just say that after a long week, Jenn appreciates that I am around and it’s a good thing to have an adult conversation each week with a good friend.

So tonight, Jenn and I will enjoy a delicious prime rib dinner at one of Pierre’s better eating establishments, The Long Branch. And then on Sunday, I continue my journey as I head back into Nebraska and then west to Wyoming and Colorado.

We are near the halfway point. Please continue to join us. And thanks.

I’m Philip J Zocco. On The Road. In Pierre, South Dakota.

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